Final Days to Bike the Vote

By June 5, San Francisco voters will collectively be deciding the future of our city. From choosing the next mayor, who could serve until 2028, to a range of ballot measures that guide our city, it is time to exercise your political power and vote.

Most importantly, it is not too late to register to vote. Thanks to new state law, the City Hall Voting Center will be open through Election Day on June 5 for individuals eligible to vote in California. Learn more about the new voter registration rules here.

If you’re still undecided, your San Francisco Bicycle Coalition is proud to share our slate of endorsements to help you choose the most bike-friendly candidates and measures.



We have dual-endorsed Jane Kim and Mark Leno for mayor. Learn more about ranked-choice voting here and read more about our candidates.

Why Jane Kim?      Why Mark Leno?


District 8 Supervisor

We have endorsed Rafael Mandelman for District 8 supervisor and believe he will be a strong champion for biking, given his history of support for the two protected bike lanes that were recently constructed on 17th Street and Upper Market. We recently caught up with Rafael, who had this to share: “I’m thrilled to receive the SF Bicycle Coalition’s endorsement. As Supervisor, I am committed to implementing a fully protected bike lane on Valencia Street, and doing everything in my power to reach the goals of Vision Zero.”


Ballot Measures

San Francisco voters are weighing in on nine local ballot measures and one regional measure. Your San Francisco Bicycle Coalition has endorsed No on Proposition H and Yes on Regional Measure 3. Read more about the measures from fellow supporters.

Why No on H?      Why Yes on RM3?

To learn more about our endorsements process and how our board determined our final slate of endorsements, read more here.

Want to volunteer with the campaigns? There are still opportunities left if you sign up directly with campaigns here.

Become a member and you'll improve your commute and get discounts at shops across the city.