Speak Up for Market Street Bikeways

Next week the City’s Better Market Street team will be holding public workshops to get your feedback on three options for improving biking on Market Street. Please attend a workshop to speak up for a separated bikeway the length of Market Street.

The City has recently backed away from the glaring need to make biking on Market truly safe and comfortable for people of all ages and backgrounds. The agencies are now spending significant sums of money studying a new option of a bikeway on Mission and no biking improvements on Market.

As you well know, the reality is that Market Street has been, and will continue to be, the most logical and easiest biking route for most people, and should be treated accordingly. Bikes belong on Market!

Please RSVP for one of the upcoming workshops to speak up loud and clear for bikes on Market Street, and to give feedback on the specific design details of the proposals.

Better Market Street Workshop #1

Wednesday, July 17, 6-8:30PM
Parc 55 Hotel ballroom, 55 Cyril Magnin Street
Valet bike parking


Better Market Street Workshop #2

Saturday, July 20, 10AM– 12:30PM
Main Library, Koret Auditorium, 100 Larkin Street

Learn more about our Market Street work here.

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